Pickleball Studio Podcast

110. Ronbus Ripple Production Model Thoughts & Upcoming Black Friday Deals

Chris Olson & Will Chaing Episode 110

Black Friday deals list: https://pickleballstudio.com/2024blackfridaydeals

0:00 - Intro
1:19 - a guy got kicked in the face!?!
8:18 - Selkirk livestream with Tom Barnes & Kyle Koszuta
12:41 - MLP finals. SPOILERS!
21:29 - Bread and Butter Invader
26:19 - Chorus Fire
36:13 - Vatic Pro Saga
40:28 - What is going on with the Ripple?
1:01:35 - Clarifying Ripple thoughts
1:04:50 - The best Black Friday deals we are seeing

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